I have heard many things about seperation of Church and State and so on. I full agree with that, we do NOT need a Theocracy however I feel that a political leader should never "side-line" his or her faith because of the office they occupy. For me there is no Religion vs. Politics issue. I feel that religion is a very important aspect of politics. It helps you have a better understanding of the person and thier particular views. Politicians should NEVER use thier faith or religion as a ...
Mr. Moore is among the growing number of Americans who trash our nation, our Military, and our Domestic and National Polices. "Bowling for Colombine" was an interesting film and raised many serious questions that should be addresed but nevertheless it portrayed the majority of Americans as gun toteing, inherantly violent, and aboslutly ignorant and/or unwilling to change the status quo of our nation. This is greatly emphaised by my Japanese pen-pal writing to me asking if Mr. Moore's stateme...
So the Presidential elections are three weeks away. Oh boy. According to Army Times, the vast majority of military personnel, across the Services, are planning on voting for President Bush. I can understand why, Bush has increased Military Pay rates, gave the Military the authority to offer more and better incentives for re- enlistment and so on. However, the simple fact that President Bush forced our Army to go to war, with Rumsfelds insistance that we need only a few combat...