Why is scott peterson charged with murder of an unborn child? Isnt that what abortion is?
I find it quite interesting that Scott Peterson was convicted of 2nd degree murder of his unborn child Connor.
Thats what abortion is, the death of an unborn child. Is the difference that its mother didnt chose to kill the child and so there for it was murder. If so, then it is a logical conclusion that if Scott Peterson is guilty of the murder of his unborn child, then the killing of ANY unborn child is murder. Oh wait, I guess its NOT murder if it is premeditatied, and only by the mother.
Perhaps if Scott Peterson said that he wanted to abort his baby but didnt want to pay for it, that he took matter into his own hands so the child would die and Lacy's death was the way to do it, if so, he is guilty of second degree murder of his wife and the "legal" termination of his child?
I dunno, it seems odd to me that no one, apparently in the media, has commented on this.